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General Secretary of the Council of Europe concerned by death of Manana Dzhabelia

posted by zaina19 on December, 2006 as Human Rights

From: MSN NicknameEagle_wng  (Original Message)    Sent: 12/12/2006 3:45 AM
8.12.2006 10:38 MSK
General Secretary of the Council of Europe concerned by death of Manana Dzhabelia
FRANCE, Strasburg. “The second death in the last two months of a Georgian citizen awaiting deportation from Russia has caused concern. An investigation into the circumstances under which 51 year old Manana Dzhabelia died on 2 December in temporary detention is being conducted. We will carefully study its results, in particular, with regard to the medical assistance shown to Mr Dzhabelia, who, as we understand, suffered from diabetes,” said Terry Davis, the General Secretary of the Council of Europe, on 5 December.

He emphasized that, “The growth in the number of deportations of Georgian citizens, resulting from the recent worsening in relations between the two countries, has also raised concerns. Ordinary people must not be held responsible for differences of opinion between governments.
“Although the Russian authorities have the full ...
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Russian Police Kill Georgian Woman in Moscow Prison

posted by zaina19 on as Human Rights

From: MSN NicknameEagle_wng  (Original Message)    Sent: 12/6/2006 7:44 AM
Russian Police Kill Georgian Woman in Moscow Prison
Publication time: 5 December 2006, 11:16

A Georgian woman, Manana Dzhabelia, has been murdered by Russian police  on December 2 in a prison in the Russian capital.

Ms Dzhabelia has been held behind bars for nearly two months.

It is the second such murder committed by Russian police that became known since Moscow began detaining thousands o Georgians for allegedly breaking immigration rules.

Ms Dzhabelia has lived in Russia for more than 10 years after fleeing a Russian-inspired war in Georgia's province of Abkhazia. She was detained in early October and a several days later a court ruled to expel her to Georgia.

Ms Dzhabelia filed an appeal and a Moscow court overturned the deportation ruling on Thursday. However, law enforcement officers returned her to the prison.


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New Repressions Against Kazkaz Center Reporter from Krasnodar

posted by zaina19 on as Human Rights

From: MSN NicknameEagle_wng  (Original Message)    Sent: 12/6/2006 7:47 AM
New Repressions Against Kazkaz Center Reporter from Krasnodar
Publication time: 5 December 2006, 16:05

The murder of Anna Politkovskaya and Alexander Litvinenko by Putin's bandits  and the frame-up against Boris Stomakhin that ended with a 5 year sentence seem to be the beginning of a broad-scale campaign by Putin regime to suppress dissidents.

Today, on December 5th, 2006, FSB in a southern Russian city of Krasnodar with the assistance of local police started to terrorize former political prisoner, regular contributor to Kavkaz Center's Russian section and Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty freelance correspondent Eugene (Evgeni) Novozhilov.

The district police inspector Aleksandr Sergeyevich Nikolenko ( Uchastkovyi punkt #7, ul. Trudovoy Slavy 46, 350065 Krasnodar, Russia, tel. (+7-861) 237-1532 ) phoned Eugene today and demanded that he should come to the police station for a "conversation". Eugene refused and decided to ask for help from western mass media, western ...
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Litvinenko's body was given out to his relatives

posted by zaina19 on as Human Rights

From: MSN NicknameEagle_wng  (Original Message)    Sent: 12/6/2006 8:25 AM

Litvinenko's body was given out to his relatives

The body of Alexander Litvinenko, ex-FSB employee, has been handed over to his relatives for burial. According to informed sources, the British experts who made the pathologicoanatomic examination of the body recommended to perform the burial as soon as possible.

According to the British authorities, the outcomes of the pathologicoanatomic study of Litvinenko's body that was conducted last week will be made public in the nearest days, the ITAR-TASS reports.

Mr. Litvinenko who fled to Great Britain in 2000 and received his British passport in October this year died in the evening on November 23 at the hospital of London University College, supposedly, from poisoning with radioactive polonium-210.

The "Caucasian Knot" has already reported that on November 1 Alexander Litvinenko had a meeting with his informant Mario Scaramella. Litvinenko told later that Scaramella handed over ...
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Russians Force Western Chechnya Rights Group To Quit Moscow

posted by zaina19 on November, 2006 as Human Rights

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From: MSN NicknameEagle_wng  (Original Message)    Sent: 11/28/2006 3:01 AM
 Russians Force Western Chechnya Rights Group To Quit Moscow
Publication time: Today at 13:42 Djokhar time
An organisation investigating Russian military crimes in Chechnya has been forced to suspend its Moscow operations after Russia rejected its application to re-register.

Egbert Wesselink, treasurer at the Russian Justice Initiative (SRJI), said: "We submitted the application as we do each year to re-register as an NGO and it was refused."

"We have thus had to suspend our activities in Russia," he added.

The organisation has to adhere to a new Russian law on NGOs which came into force in April 2006.

Under the law, representative offices of foreign NGOs are required to re-register with Russian authorities.

Wesselink said: "This will be a little more complicated, but we will not stop doing our ...
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