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Human Rights

European Commission troubled by violations of rights of Georgians in Russia

posted by zaina19 on December, 2006 as Human Rights

From: MSN NicknameEagle_wng  (Original Message)    Sent: 12/20/2006 3:19 AM
20.12.2006 13:14 MSK
European Commission troubled by violations of rights of Georgians in Russia
FRANCE, Strasbourg. In accordance with its mandate to combat racism and racial discrimination, the 46 member states of the Europe Union European Commission Against Racism and Intolerance (ECARI) has expressed its deep apprehension concerning recent events affecting Russian citizens of Georgian nationality and citizens of Georgia in Russia, reported the press-service of the European Union on December 18.

In a statement, accepted on December 15 by the 41 member plenary meeting, ECARI said: " Actions, which in many instances were accomplished under the pretext of crime control and illegal immigration, consisted of detention and deportation, which in a number of cases led to the loss of those detained, and also caused complaints of oppression. ECARI deeply regrets that such measures were accepted and undertaken by the organs of power against an ...
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MVD captain discharged for illegal detention of "Defense" activists

posted by zaina19 on as Human Rights

From: MSN NicknameEagle_wng  (Original Message)    Sent: 12/20/2006 3:21 AM
20.12.2006 13:16 MSK
MVD captain discharged for illegal detention of "Defense" activists
RUSSIA, Moscow. The procuratorship has instigated a criminal case concerning the illegal detention on October 15 of two activists of the ""Defense" movement, and an operations duty officer from the Arbat has been discharged from the police, reported "Defense" on December 18. The procuratorship of the central region of Moscow and the Presnenskeyeo region addressed the matter of the militiamen's conduct. The OVD officers are threatened with up to 2 years in prison.

A participant in the action Against the Anti-Georgian Hysteria, Roman Udot was detained by police for removing a provocateur from a bus stop. Another activist, Pavel Shaykin, attempted to assist his comrade and as a result was also detained by police. Although the police knew that the young people were, in essence, doing their duty, Udot and Shaykin were accused ...
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Clinical Condition of Defector Poisoned by FSB Worsened

posted by zaina19 on as Human Rights

From: MSN NicknameEagle_wng  (Original Message)    Sent: 11/15/2006 12:38 PM
Clinical Condition of Defector Poisoned by FSB Worsened
Publication time: Today at 08:54 Djokhar time
A friend of the Russian defector Alexander Litvinenko who is now being treated in an unnamed London hospital after he had been poisoned  by a Russian secret police agent said that the clinical condition of Mr Litvinenko worsened. Doctors do not know what happened to him, according to a report from a Russian radio station, Echo Moskvy ("Moscow Echo"),

The station is considered by the West to be liberal and critical to the Putin's regime but it is owned by Gasprom, the largest Russian state gas company.

Meanwhile, a Moscow newspaper, Moskovsky Komsomolets ("Moscow Young Communist League Member"), that is said to have most close ties with the Russian secret police FSB among all Russian state-controlled media, says in its Wednesday issue that Mr Litvinenko could have been poisoned by the ...
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Remembering Anna Politkovskaya

posted by zaina19 on as Human Rights

From: MSN NicknameEagle_wng  (Original Message)    Sent: 12/12/2006 2:20 AM
Remembering Anna Politkovskaya
Katrina vanden Heuvel, Musa Klebnikov, Dana Priest, Kati Marton, Natalia Estemirova, David Remnick

Description: From the CUNY Graduate Center in New York City a tribute to slain Russian journalist Anna Politkovskaya. Included are readings from Ms. Politkovskaya's work by Katrina vanden Heuvel, Musa Klebnikov, Dana Priest, Francine Prose and Kati Marton. The tribute also includes an interview with Chechnya-based human rights worker Natalia Estemirova by David Remnick and a clip from the documentary "Democracy on Deadline," which features Ms. Politkovskaya. PEN American Center's Larry Siems makes introductory remarks.

Author Bio: Until her death on October 7, 2006, Anna Politkovskaya was special correspondent for Russia's Novaya Gazeta. She is the the author of "A Small Corner of Hell: Dispatches from Chechnya," "The Dirty War," and "Putin's Russia: Life in a Failing Democracy."
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Wardens do not have the right to prohibit Trepashkin from giving interview to Scotland Yard

posted by zaina19 on as Human Rights

From: MSN NicknameEagle_wng  (Original Message)    Sent: 12/12/2006 3:30 AM
9.12.2006 15:56 MSK
Wardens do not have the right to prohibit Trepashkin from giving interview to Scotland Yard
RUSSIA, Moscow. The Federal Prison Service of Russia (FSIN) will not permit British policemen investigating Aleksandr Litvinenko's death to meet with attorney Mikhail trepashkin, who is in a penal colony, according to December 5 media reports. Trepashkin has stated that he possesses information about plans to murder Litvinenko and he is ready to transmit this information to Scotland Yard. Trepashkin's attorney Elena Liptser considers the FSIN prohibition to be incorrect.

"We can not allow someone imprisoned for divulging state secrets to continue to be an information source for the special services of a foreign state, " official representative OF FSIN Aleksandr Sidorov told Interfax.

The All-Russian Movement "For Human Rights" gave a letter from Mikhail Trepashkin to Aleksandr Litvinenko dated November 20. The letter said: "... In August ...
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