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Human Rights

Circassians want justice

posted by zaina19 on February, 2007 as Human Rights

From: MSN Nicknamelove_caucasus  (Original Message)    Sent: 2/12/2007 2:45 AM
The following articel was posted in the 18th of April 2005 in Caucasian Knot:
Circassians want justice

A petition with a demand of recognising the genocide of the Circassian people by the Russian tsarist government in the 18-19 centuries is posted at and addressed to the UN, U.S. Congress, the Council of Europe and international community, Regnum news agency says.

The address is timed to 21 May which is a Caucasus War Victims Commemoration Day traditionally observed by Circassians around the world. A victory parade of the tsar's troops was conducted on 21 May 1864 to mark the complete victory over the Circassians.

The international community should recognise the genocide of the Circassian people and provide Circassians with an opportunity to come back to their historic homeland. At the same time, any violent measures to restore justice, including terrorism, are resolutely excluded the message says.

More ...
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Thirteen years spent in a reservation

posted by zaina19 on as Human Rights

February 23rd 2007 · Prague Watchdog / Tamara Chagayeva     
Thirteen years spent in a reservation

By Tamara Chagayeva

Sixty-three years ago, in February, the Chechen people suffered a tragedy that only began to be talked about half a century later. The wholesale deportation of people according to their ethnic origin, later categorized as genocide, inflicted an irreparable loss on many later generations. Yet exactly fifty years later, Chechens had to endure all the horrors of genocide for a second time - during two wars that were among the cruellest and bloodiest in the history of mankind.

That is how those events are remembered by eyewitnesses of the tragedy who experienced them in the early years of their youth. Throughout the whole of their lives they have carried this pain, not daring to share it with even their closest family members born after the deportation. And no one knows how to ...
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NGO Raided in Vladikavkaz

posted by zaina19 on as Human Rights

rom: MSN NicknameEagle_wng  (Original Message)    Sent: 2/23/2007 9:12 PM
Thursday, February 22, 2007
NGO Raided in Vladikavkaz
By Nabi Abdullaev
Staff Writer

North Ossetian police seized two computers and documents Wednesday in the Vladikavkaz office of the Institute of War and Peace Reporting, a British nongovernmental organization, said IWPR's coordinator in the North Caucasus, Valery Dzutsev.

The raid came a month after police opened a criminal investigation into Dzutsev on suspected tax evasion.

The North Ossetian police investigator leading the case, Aslan Torchinov, said by telephone from Vladikavkaz that he had no comment on the case.

Dzutsev, who has contributed to The Moscow Times as a freelance journalist, said that he had paid his taxes and that the case seemed to be part of a campaign of intimidation.

"The problems with the authorities began a month after the NGO law went into effect last April," he said.

IWPR, an NGO with a global outreach, has trained journalists in the Caucasus ...
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Moscow: public representatives discussed growth of Russian nationalism

posted by zaina19 on as Human Rights

From: MSN NicknameEagle_wng  (Original Message)    Sent: 2/10/2007 2:10 AM

Moscow: public representatives discussed growth of Russian nationalism

A conference on the topic "Language of Enmity and Xenophobia" was held today at the House of Journalists. In the cause of discussion, the audience has touched the issue of growing nationalistic spirits in Russia.

Anna Sharogradskaya from the Saint Petersburg Institute of Regional Press has defined patriotism as a defence concept, and nationalism - as an aggressive one. According to the Levada-Centre, about 70 percent of the population think that Russia is surrounded by enemies, while 66 percent assert that the slogan "Russia for Russians" is acceptable, but they do not find this slogan to be a fascist one.

Boris Dubin from the Levada-Centre has noted that 60 percent of the population support nationalism: "But I don't see nationalism, I see xenophobia." More than half of the Russian population experience enmity to immigrants.

Natalya ...
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Activist Attacked in Moscow

posted by zaina19 on as Human Rights

From: MSN NicknameEagle_wng  (Original Message)    Sent: 2/7/2007 1:00 PM
6.2.2007 14:22 MSK
Activist Attacked in Moscow
Bakhrom Khamroev
Bakhrom Khamroev
RUSSIA, Moscow. Bakhrom Khamroev, a political emigrant from Uzbekistan and employee of the Civil Assistance Committee, was attacked in Moscow on January 14, committee employee Elena Ryabinina told PRIMA News. He was beaten by three unknown persons as he entered the Tulskaya Metro station.

Khamroev describes the men a large, Slavic in appearance and between 25 and 27 years old. The did not speak to him.

After the attack, Khamroev was diagnosed with a concussion and contusions.

Khamroev’s cellular phone was also destroyed during the incident.

Khamroev has filed a report on the incident with the internal affairs department of the Moscow Metropolitan.

PRIMA News Agency [2007-01-15-Rus-24]

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