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Human Rights

Illegal search United Civil Front activist

posted by zaina19 on February, 2007 as Human Rights

From: MSN NicknameEagle_wng  (Original Message)    Sent: 3/1/2007 5:04 AM
27.2.2007 23:38 MSK
Illegal search United Civil Front activist
RUSSIA, Kirov. On February26, in Kirov, five unidentified persons broke into the apartment of the leader of the Kirov Department of the United Civil Front (OGF) Denis Shadrin, and conducted a search. It is believed to be the work of the authorities. Apparently, they were attempting to end protest actions in Kirov on the eve of March 11 city elections, notes the press- service of local OGF.

At about noon, the men rang the door of Shadrin's apartment, pretending to be gas service workers. When Shadrin opened the door, four people wearing camouflage and one in civilian clothing entered the apartment. One said he was called Sergey and, producing no documents, stated that according to information on Shadrin's apartment, he had weapons and extremist literature. Then, without producing a warrant and without gettting permission, the men ...
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Office of Public Prosecutor is auditing "Memorial"

posted by zaina19 on as Human Rights

From: MSN NicknameEagle_wng  (Original Message)    Sent: 3/1/2007 5:09 AM


Office of Public Prosecutor is auditing "Memorial"

The Tver Inter-District Procuracy of Moscow has requested documents from the Human Rights Centre "Memorial," clarifying who and on what funds had published a manual for the Russians willing to send a complaint to the European Court for Human Rights in Strasbourg. Last week, a procuracy warning was also received by the "Civil Assistance" Committee. The human rights defenders themselves think the actions of procurators to be an attempt to exert pressure, the "Novye Izvestia" newspaper writes.

The training manual "Application to the European Court for Human Rights" was published last spring in five thousand copies and was distributed among lawyers' offices, courts and NGOs.

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Human rights activists refuse to take part in Kadyrov's conference in Chechnya

posted by zaina19 on as Human Rights

From: MSN NicknameEagle_wng  (Original Message)    Sent: 2/23/2007 10:15 PM

Human rights activists refuse to take part in Kadyrov's conference in Chechnya

The editorial board of the "Caucasian Knot" has received an application from the Public Opposition Movement (POM) "For Human Rights" about refusal of human rights defenders to take part in the human rights conference to be held by acting president Ramzan Kadyrov in Grozny.

On March 1, 2007, they plan to hold an international conference in Grozny "Respect of Human Rights in the Chechen Republic: First Outcomes of Ombudsman's Work and Prospects for the Future."

"Today, the territory of the Chechen Republic continues to be the venue of mass and rough violations of human rights, including extrajudicial executions, kidnappings and tortures, corruption and extortions of humanitarian aid and compensations. In fact, the country is under totalitarian rule," the application runs. "The guilt and responsibility are first of all on representatives ...
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In Krasnodar Territory, judge rules to ask permit from the authorities to assembly

posted by zaina19 on as Human Rights

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From: MSN NicknameEagle_wng  (Original Message)    Sent: 2/23/2007 10:20 PM

In Krasnodar Territory, judge rules to ask permit from the authorities to assembly

On February 20, the Oktiabrskiy District Court of the city of Novorossiysk, Krasnodar Territory, held a court session chaired by Judge Esipko, S. N., on the appellate petition of Vadim Karastelyov, expert of the "Novorossiysk Committee for Human Rights," to the magistrate judge's ruling. Consequently, the ruling of the magistrate judge was upheld; however, the sum of the administrative fine was dropped from 2000 to 1000 roubles.

"We intend to use all possible forms to appeal against the decision," Tamara Karastelyova, executive director of the "Novorossiysk Committee for Human Rights," has stated.

See earlier reports: "Krasnodar Territory: Novorossiysk militia puts pressure on human rights defenders."

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President Vladimir Putin Responds to Questions About Russia’s Human Rights Record

posted by zaina19 on as Human Rights

From: MSN NicknameEagle_wng  (Original Message)    Sent: 2/23/2007 10:54 PM
President Vladimir Putin Responds to Questions About Russia’s Human Rights Record

February 14, 2007   

At the 43rd Munich Conference on Security Policy, Russian President Vladimir Putin responded to a question posed by Kenneth Roth, executive director of Human Rights Watch:  
Kenneth Roth: You talked about the danger of a unipolar world in which one sovereign makes decisions without consulting anyone else. In many people’s opinion, in Russia we are seeing an increasingly unipolar government where competing centers of influence are forced to toe the party line, whether it be in the State Duma, the regional leadership, the media, business community, or nongovernmental organizations. Would a unipolar government be such a reliable partner when the issue of energy or security is at stake?
President Vladimir Putin: I will begin with the last question about the unipolar nature of the Russian government. Today, the ...
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