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Human Rights

Human rights defender Mutsolgov has refused to take part in the human rights conference to be held in Chechnya

posted by zaina19 on March, 2007 as Human Rights

From: MSN NicknameEagle_wng  (Original Message)    Sent: 3/1/2007 5:46 AM

Human rights defender Mutsolgov has refused to take part in the human rights conference to be held in Chechnya

Magomed Mutsolgov, head of the "Mashr" Association of Kidnapped Relatives (Ingushetia) has refused to take part in the international conference on human rights, which will open tomorrow, on March 1, in the city of Grozny, capital of Chechnya. He told about it today to the correspondent of the "Caucasian Knot" by phone from the office of his organization in the town of Karabulak, Republic of Ingushetia.

"One can go there only as a 'wedding-party general' or as a dummy. I do not want to be used in one's politics tricks," the human rights defender says.

In Mr. Mutsolgov's opinion, there is no need to hold a human rights forum under Kadyrov's supervision - it could be organized on any other day by Nurdi ...
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Chechen refugees resident in Azerbaijan held a protest action

posted by zaina19 on as Human Rights

From: MSN NicknameEagle_wng  (Original Message)    Sent: 3/1/2007 5:49 AM

Chechen refugees resident in Azerbaijan held a protest action

Today, several dozens of Chechens, who resettled to Azerbaijan after the start of military actions in Chechnya, have picketed the Baku office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) with a demand to provide all the Chechens who were forced to resettle to Azerbaijan with the refugee status or with the right to move to third countries.

The action participants are accusing the UN Office of breaching the 1951 UN Convention of Rights of Refugees. The Chechen refugees think that UN officials should increase financial aid to the refugees, as life has become more expensive in Azerbaijan. They have noted in the Human Rights Centre that the action participants have adopted an appeal containing a demand to provide them with the status of refugees, sending to third countries and payment ...
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Human Rights Groups Boycott Conference in Chechen Capital

posted by zaina19 on as Human Rights

From: MSN NicknameEagle_wng  (Original Message)    Sent: 3/1/2007 4:39 PM
Photo — MosNews archive
Photo — MosNews archive
Human Rights Groups Boycott Conference in Chechen Capital


Moscow-sponsored rights conference in Chechnya is boycotted by major human rights groups, activists say it has been designed to cover up abuses in the troubled Caucasus republic, the Reuters news agency reported March 1.
The conference is a Kremlin attempt to lend legitimacy to Ramzan Kadyrov, the region’s newly appointed Moscow-backed leader accused of widespread human rights violations in his Muslim republic, the groups say.
Moscow says the event is being held there to show Chechnya is returning to peace after almost two decades of military conflict between Russian forces and Chechen separatists.
“I don’t believe it’s possible to improve the situation in Chechnya through contacts with Kadyrov,” said Lyudmila Alexeyeva, head of the Helsinki Group rights organization in Moscow.
“Human rights organizations in Moscow refused to attend the event. Kadyrov is responsible ...
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Supreme Court attempts to refuse Yabloko right to participate in elections

posted by zaina19 on February, 2007 as Human Rights

From: MSN NicknameEagle_wng  (Original Message)    Sent: 2/26/2007 12:02 PM
26.2.2007 19:19 MSK
Supreme Court attempts to refuse Yabloko right to participate in elections
RUSSIA, Moscow. On February 22, the Press- Service of St. Petersburg "Yabloko” announced that the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation refused to examine the statements of the Yabloko Party and residents of Saint Petersburg appealing the resolution of the Central Election Commission, which refused to register "Yabloko" for elections to the Legislative Assembly of St. Petersburg, ".

On February 9, the Central Election Commission of Russia (TSIK) affirmed the resolution of the election commission of Saint Petersburg refusing registration to the "Yabloko" Party. TSIK ruled that10.43 percent of the signatures were invalid. In real terms, Yabloko exceeded the number of invalid signatures by 35.

On February 15, the Supreme Court received An appeal from the St. Petersburg department of "Yabloko". On February 16, 7 signatures in support of the advancement of ...
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Illegal search United Civil Front Attorney General's Office interested in publication of book about European Court

posted by zaina19 on as Human Rights

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From: MSN NicknameEagle_wng  (Original Message)    Sent: 2/26/2007 12:10 PM
26.2.2007 19:22 MSK
Attorney General's Office interested in publication of book about European Court
RUSSIA, Moscow. On February 21, the office of the human rights center "Memorial" received a letter from the Tver Inter-District Procuratorship of Moscow addressing Memorial Chairman Oleg Orlov with a request in connection with the General Procurator's Office of Russia’s investigation of documents concerning the publication of the book "Approaching the European Court for Human Rights".

The communication dealt with copies of commodity invoices, cash register receipts, bills, and other documents. The letter indicated that the Attorney General's Office was carrying out an investigation "regarding the joint publication" of "Approaching the European Court for Human Rights" by "Memorial" and "Alvares Publishing". Furthermore, the procuratorship requested an explanation of the “purpose of ...
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