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Russian Authorities Seek to Outlaw Radical Movement

posted by zaina19 on March, 2007 as Human Rights

From: MSN NicknameEagle_wng  (Original Message)    Sent: 3/24/2007 7:56 PM
Russian Authorities Seek to Outlaw Radical Movement


Russian prosecutors on Thursday moved to outlaw National Bolsheviks — a radical political movement with long history of anti-government protests.
The Associated Press news agency reports that Russian prosecutors asked the Moscow City Court to ban National Bolsheviks and it ordered the group’s activities suspended pending a court’s ruling.
National Bolsheviks are headed by once emigrant writer Eduard Savenko, better known under pseudonym Eduard Limonov, who started his political career in early 90s in the radical nationalist Liberal Democratic Party. The movement was started in 1994 and as an eclectic mixture of radical nationalist and leftist ideas. National Bolshevik’s emblem resembles the flag of Nazi Germany with swastika replaced by black hammer and sickle. Initially, the movement declared its goal as resurrection of the Russian empire by means of armed struggle.
In 2003 Limonov was sentenced to 4 years ...
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Special to The Moscow Times

posted by zaina19 on as Human Rights

From: MSN NicknameEagle_wng  (Original Message)    Sent: 3/24/2007 8:04 PM

Friday, March 23, 2007

Activists Say Ban Can't Halt March
By Dmitry Skvortsov
Special to The Moscow Times

Dmitry Skvortsov / For MT

Road repairs blocking a street in Nizhny Novgorod that was included in the planned route for Saturday's march.

NIZHNY NOVGOROD -- A district court on Thursday rejected a request to permit a demonstration organized by The Other Russia, a coalition of opposition groups, in the city center here this Saturday.

Organizers said the so-called Dissenters' March would take place despite a ban issued by the city government, however.

"The court didn't rule in our favor, but it's too late," one of the organizers, Ilya Shamazov, told Interfax.

"We intend to hold the planned event in any case because the people of Nizhny Novgorod who want to take part wouldn't understand. And we don't want to agree on another site for the event with the Mayor's Office," he ...
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Chechnya: TAC residents are forced out of their housing

posted by zaina19 on as Human Rights

From: MSN NicknameEagle_wng  (Original Message)    Sent: 3/24/2007 8:29 PM

Chechnya: TAC residents are forced out of their housing

On March 19, a commission comprising representatives of the administration of Leninskiy District and employees of the Leninskiy "ROVD" (Interior Department) arrived to the Temporary Accommodation Centre (TAC) located in Malgobek Street of the city of Grozny, capital of Chechnya. The Chechen Committee of National Salvation has reported about it.

It turned out that the commission should have offered and if necessary should have forced the TAC residents to write applications to the name of A. Kh. Dudarkaev, acting head of the Department of the Russian Federal Migration Service, running as follows: "Because of my departure to the place of my permanent residence, I hereby I ask you to remove me and the members of my family ... from registration according to Form No. 7."

When people started to express indignation with this ...
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Public prosecutor demands from 2.5 to 5 years of prison for instigators of fight in Kondopoga

posted by zaina19 on as Human Rights

From: MSN NicknameEagle_wng  (Original Message)    Sent: 3/24/2007 8:33 PM

Public prosecutor demands from 2.5 to 5 years of prison for instigators of fight in Kondopoga

Debates of the parties have taken place in the City Court of Kondopoga on Sergey Mozgalyov and Yuri Pliev's criminal case; these defendants were the instigators of the fight at the "Chaika" (Seagull) restaurant. The Office of Public Prosecutor of Karelia has informed that at the session held the day before the prosecutor had demanded to sentence Mozgalyov to 5 years of imprisonment in a strict custody colony, and Pliev - to 2.5 years of deprivation of freedom. Mr. Mozgalyov was presented accusations on Part 2, Article 213, and Part 2, Article 116, of the Criminal Code of Russia (hooliganism and bodily blows), and Pliev - on the former Article only.

The defence has declared the absence of any hooliganism motive in the actions of ...
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Strasburg has responded to appeals from Kabardino-Balkaria to give out militants' bodies to relatives

posted by zaina19 on as Human Rights

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From: MSN NicknameEagle_wng  (Original Message)    Sent: 3/15/2007 1:51 AM

Strasburg has responded to appeals from Kabardino-Balkaria to give out militants' bodies to relatives

The European Court for Human Rights, acting on the basis of a complaint against Russia filed by 50 citizens of Kabardino-Balkaria, sent a so-called "communication" to the government of the Russian Federation (RF). This is the name of the document compiled by the European Court of the basis of a complaint received.

The complaint entitled "Khalimat Sabanchieva et al versus Russia" was submitted to the European Court on October 26 and November 15, 2005, by the relatives of the militants who perished on October 13 in Nalchik because of refusal of the RF authorities to give their bodies out to relatives for burial.

See earlier reports: "L. Dorogova: ...
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