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Criminal case filed against "Live Journal" writer

posted by zaina19 on April, 2007 as Human Rights

From: MSN NicknameEagle_wng  (Original Message)    Sent: 4/20/2007 4:28 AM
16.4.2007 20:44 MSK
Criminal case filed against "Live Journal" writer
RUSSIA, Syktyvkar. Live Journal participant and musician Savva Terenteva has been charged in a criminal case under St. 282 of the criminal code for "…the excitation of hatred or hostility, and the humiliation of human dignity" for writing the following on ZHZH (Live Journal) on February 14: "Cops and robbers are one and the same. It would be good if bad cops were periodically burned in Stefansky Square ".

St. 282 refers to "…the excitation of hatred or hostility, and the humiliation of human of dignity of an individual or group of persons according to ethnicity, race, nationality, language, origin, religion, or any social group, in mass media".

On March 16, Terenteva's apartment was searched and her computer was taken. On April 11, the organization "Legal Team" reported that she had to sign a non-departure agreement ...
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FSB Questions Russian Opposition Leader

posted by zaina19 on as Human Rights

From: MSN NicknameEagle_wng  (Original Message)    Sent: 4/20/2007 2:17 PM
FSB Questions Russian Opposition Leader
Russia -- Garry Kasparov, one of the leaders of The Other Russia opposition movement, speaks at a press conference in Moscow, 19Mar2007
Garry Kasparov (file photo)
April 20, 2007 -- Investigators from Russia's Federal Security Service (FSB) questioned opposition leader Garry Kasparov for four hours today.

The questioning came less than a week after Kasparov was detained and released during antigovernment protests in Moscow on April 14.

Kasparov said FSB investigators asked him about recent statements he made to Ekho Moskvy radio and items in a newspaper published by his opposition group, the United Civil Front, before demonstrations in Moscow and St. Petersburg on April 14 and 15.

On April 16, Ekho Moskvy said the FSB had requested a transcript of an April 8 broadcast featuring Kasparov. According to Ekho Moskvy, the FSB said it wanted to check Kasparov's comments for "possible signs ...
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Russian Court Brands Opposition Group Extremist

posted by zaina19 on as Human Rights

From: MSN NicknameEagle_wng  (Original Message)    Sent: 4/20/2007 2:27 PM
Friday, April 20, 2007
Russian Court Brands Opposition Group Extremist
Russia - Extremism / nationalism / far-right - About three thousand Communists and National Bolshevik party members marched in central Moscow, 8 Apr. 2006
National Bolshevik Party activists marching in Moscow on April 8
April 20, 2007 -- The Moscow City Court has declared the opposition National Bolshevik Party to be an extremist organization.

The ruling late on April 19 allows the authorities to make it illegal to publicly support the party.

A lawyer representing the party, Sergei Belyak, said the National Bolsheviks will appeal the ruling.

Russian authorities had already banned the group. The move follows a recent police crackdown on antigovernment protests in Moscow and St. Petersburg, which the National Bolshevik Party, as well as members of the Other Russia coalition, had played a role in organizing.

On April 19, the pro-Kremlin youth movement Nashi said it will ...
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"The Other Russia" received about 50 complaints from victims of "Disagreement Marches" dispersals

posted by zaina19 on as Human Rights

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From: MSN NicknameEagle_wng  (Original Message)    Sent: 4/21/2007 12:30 AM

"The Other Russia" received about 50 complaints from victims of "Disagreement Marches" dispersals

About 90 percent of those who suffered from dispersals of the so-called "Disagreement Marches" in Moscow and Saint Petersburg are going to appeal against the actions of law enforcement bodies. Marina Litvinovich, one of the organizers of the anti-governmental demonstrations, editor-in-chief of the "Truth of Beslan" web site and leader of the Foundation to Help Terror Victims, informed the "Caucasian Knot" correspondent about it.

Ms. Litvinovich explained that "The Other Russia" was going to coordinate its actions with the Moscow Helsinki Group (MHG) and others human rights organizations, now engaged in helping the victims of dispersals of the "Marches." "Some four organizations are now collecting complaints, and I ...
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Procuratorship wants to stop activity of Petersburg "Yabloko"

posted by zaina19 on as Human Rights

From: MSN NicknameEagle_wng  (Original Message)    Sent: 4/16/2007 11:11 AM
16.4.2007 20:42 MSK
Procuratorship wants to stop activity of Petersburg "Yabloko"
RUSSIA, Saint Petersburg. The procuratorship of the city has warned Petersburg "Yabloko" about the possibility of the stopping the activity of the organization in connection with its participation in the "March of Dissenters" on March 3. This was communicated in an official letter, signed by the Deputy Attorney of St. Petersburg, A. Lavrenko, and received on April 11 by the Chairman of the Regional Department of "Yabloko", Maxim Reznik.

The letter, dated March 30, also said that organizers and participants in the March 3, including member of the Regional Department of "Yabloko” Mikhail Amosov, had received a proposal to conduct the demonstration elsewhere. Nevertheless, participants continued the procession and meeting, in spite of the "legal claims of the police about the curtailment of public events", noted the press-service of Petersburg "Yabloko". Also the procuratorship ...
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