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Human Rights

World reaction to crackdown on "Dissenters' March"

posted by zaina19 on April, 2007 as Human Rights

From: MSN NicknameEagle_wng  (Original Message)    Sent: 4/24/2007 2:16 AM
24.4.2007 10:52 MSK
World reaction to crackdown on "Dissenters' March"
USA, Washington. The actions of Russian authorities against participants in peaceful protest actions in Moscow and St. Petersburg were "severe" and did not correspond to the democratic values proclaimed by the government of Russia, stated US President George Bush's administration on April 16.

White House Deputy Press-Secretary Dana Perino reported that the administration is deeply perturbed by the severe crackdown on demonstrations and by the "systematic application of excessive force by authorities".
On April 14 in Moscow, Russian law-enforcement agencies detained several hundred political opponents of Vladimir Putin, who were attempting to conduct a march of protest. On April 15, participants in a demonstration in St. Petersburg were beaten and pursued by Special Forces. Perino stated that the detention of journalists during the event "was intolerable and unacceptable". State Department representative Sean McCormack indicated that the ...
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Russia: Police Break Up Peaceful Demonstration

posted by zaina19 on as Human Rights

From: MSN NicknameEagle_wng  (Original Message)    Sent: 4/22/2007 4:35 AM
Russia: Police Break Up Peaceful Demonstration
Hundreds of Protesters Detained

(Moscow, April 15, 2007) – Riot police and special forces used excessive force to break up a peaceful demonstration in Moscow on April 14, beating numerous demonstrators and detaining hundreds, Human Rights Watch said today. Human Rights Watch called on Moscow authorities to investigate the use of force by police and to protect peaceful demonstrators.
“This police violence is only the latest example of growing government hostility toward peaceful dissent in Russia,” said Holly Cartner, Europe and Central Asia director at Human Rights Watch. “It has to be viewed in the context of intensifying harassment of the political opposition, human rights defenders, and independent media in Russia.”  
Organizers of the demonstration, the “Dissenters’ March,” had applied for authorization to gather at noon on Pushkin Square in central Moscow and march to Turgenev Square. ...
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"Nord-Ost" demands new criminal cases

posted by zaina19 on as Human Rights

From: MSN NicknameEagle_wng  (Original Message)    Sent: 4/21/2007 4:11 AM

"Nord-Ost" demands new criminal cases

The "Nord-Ost" Organization demands excitation of a new criminal case on Dubrovka act of terror

The victims of Dubrovka terror act intend to demand initiation of a criminal case, since, in their opinion, a number of victims were not rendered due help, Tatiana Karpova, co-chair of the "Nord-Ost" Organization, has declared today.

"My son lay on "Nord-Ost" steps for seven hours without any medical assistance, and with his body temperature of 35.5 he was taken to morgue," she said.

Ms. Karpova has emphasized that "we have proofs that 69 casualties were given no medical care." She also asserts that "80 percent of survived hostages are potential invalids, including future oncology diseases, the women who were subjected to gas attack give birth to defective babies."

In his turn, lawyer Igor Trunov, who is representing the victims' interests, has reported that ...
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Human rights defenders expect a fair investigation of "Disagreement Marches" dispersals

posted by zaina19 on as Human Rights

From: MSN NicknameEagle_wng  (Original Message)    Sent: 4/22/2007 3:57 AM

Human rights defenders expect a fair investigation of "Disagreement Marches" dispersals

The balance of forces in the OMON (Special Militia)-dissidents confrontation in Nizhni Novgorod on March 24 can be compared with the balance of forces during the battle of Persians with 300 Spartans. This analogy is presented by human rights activists in their appeal to Russian Ombudsman Vladimir Lukin and Ella Pamfilova, Chair of the Board under the President of the Russian Federation for Promotion of Civil Society Institutes and Human Rights. The authors of the appeal, among them L. Alekseeva, L. Ponomaryov, E. Chorny, V. Gefter, S. Gannushkina, Yu. Brovchenko, M. Arutyunov and other representatives of Russian human rights organizations, demand an immediate investigation into the violations of constitutional human rights during the four marches held in Saint Petersburg, Moscow and Nizhni Novgorod.

"We are addressing you because of severe ...
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"Dissenters’ March" in Moscow

posted by zaina19 on as Human Rights

From: MSN NicknameEagle_wng  (Original Message)    Sent: 4/20/2007 4:23 AM
19.4.2007 14:21 MSK
"Dissenters’ March" in Moscow
RUSSIA, Moscow. On April 14, in Moscow, the movement "Another Russia" attempted to conduct a "Marsh of Dissent". The city sent approximately 9 thousand police officers, OMON, and soldiers to prevent the normal conducting of the march. Scores of demonstrators were detained.

On Pushkinskaya Square, on the spot where the "March of Dissent" was set to begin, United Civil Front leader Gary Kasparov, the leader of the Advance Guard of Red Youth (AKM) Sergey Udaltsov, leader the National -Democratic Union of Young People, coordinator of the Defense movement, Julia Malyshev, leader of the youth movement YES, Maria Gaydar, leader of the youth movement of Yabloko, Ilya Yashin, and journalists Valery Panyushkin and Sergey Parkhomenko were detained. Two National Bolsheviks were also detained: photo-correspondents of the newspaper "OGF" (United Civil Front), Stanislav Reshetnev and Vitalius Konstantinov. The Defense movement ...
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