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Human Rights

Lawyers and human rights defenders see no reason in EC's program aimed to reduce claims from Russia

posted by zaina19 on May, 2007 as Human Rights

From: MSN NicknameEagle_wng  (Original Message)    Sent: 5/16/2007 1:46 AM

Lawyers and human rights defenders see no reason in EC's program aimed to reduce claims from Russia

The initiative of European Commission (EC) and the Council of Europe to reduce the number of complaints arriving to the European Court for Human Rights from Russia finds no enthusiasm in Russian human rights defenders and lawyers.

"Firstly, the problem is not in illiteracy of judges, but in their unwillingness to use what they know quite well. Secondly, they are not independent in decision-making," Valentin Moiseev, Deputy Director of the "Centre to Assist International Defence," told in his interview to the "Caucasian Knot" correspondent.

Ole Salvang, Executive Director of the "Legal Initiative for Russia," thinks that the reasons of the huge flow of complaints to the European Court from Russia are in frequent violations of human rights, and in indifference of law enforcement bodies and ...
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Amnesty Says Russia Broke Arms Embargo

posted by zaina19 on as Human Rights

From: MSN NicknameEagle_wng  (Original Message)    Sent: 5/14/2007 3:43 AM
Amnesty Says Russia Broke Arms Embargo

Combined Report

MOSCOW — Human rights group Amnesty International accused Russia and China on Tuesday of breaching a UN arms embargo by letting weapons into Sudan, where it said they were used in “grave violations” of international law.

Russia and China quickly rejected the report, and Sudan’s government said it was “not justified.”

Amnesty said it was “deeply dismayed” by the flow of arms allowed by Russia and China, both members of the UN Security Council, and said the weapons were often diverted to be used in conflicts in Darfur and neighboring Chad.

“The authority of the Security Council itself is being greatly undermined as the Sudanese authorities and armed groups in Darfur are allowed to act with such obvious impunity before the eyes of the world, importing and diverting arms to commit flagrant violations of international law,” Amnesty said.

In Moscow, ...
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Georgia: refugees from Chechnya demand exit to third countries

posted by zaina19 on as Human Rights

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From: MSN NicknameEagle_wng  (Original Message)    Sent: 5/16/2007 1:43 AM

Georgia: refugees from Chechnya demand exit to third countries

Seven families of Chechen refugees from Pankisi Gorge, Georgia, have started a hunger strike in Tbilisi. The action is held in front of the Tbilisi representative office of the United Nations High Commissioner.

The hunger-strikers demand the right to be provided to them to leave Georgia for a third country, the "Caucasian Knot" correspondent reports.

It is necessary to note that this sort of actions have been permanently held in Pankisi Gorge, where the Chechen refugees are compactly living. According to 2005 registration, some 1600 refugees from Chechnya live in Pankisi Gorge of Georgia.

The refugees from Chechnya have repeatedly expressed their complaints concerning the financial assistance, which, as they say, they never received ...
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France’s new president: Russia's recent behavior makes me quite nervous

posted by zaina19 on as Human Rights

From: MSN NicknameEagle_wng  (Original Message)    Sent: 5/10/2007 4:01 PM
France’s new president: Russia's recent behavior makes me quite nervous

France’s newly elected president Nicolas Sarkozy gave an interview to the National Interest Journal. Sarkozy answered questions about French domestic and foreign policy. Some his statements showed rather tough attacks against Russia.

Particularly, speaking on the problem of human rights abuse, Nicolas Sarkozy noted that nation-states are no longer the sole actors on the international stage, and “the pursuit of status quo is not a policy; it is akin to giving up.” “We cannot claim ignorance anymore, so we are loosing the possibility of remaining silent in the face of genocide or criminal behavior. Our silence, when faced with 200,000 deaths and 400,000 refugees in Chechnya, is unbearable,” said the new French leader. Answering National Interest’s question whether it is more difficult to speak out against the major powers like China and Russia, ...
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Burma, Cuba, Libya, North Korea Head 'Worst' List

posted by zaina19 on as Human Rights

Thursday, May 10, 2007 11:53 a.m. EDT

Burma, Cuba, Libya, North Korea Head 'Worst' List

In a worldwide survey of repressive regimes, 17 countries including Libya and North Korea are singled out by a human rights group as "the worst of the worst" for maltreatment of their citizens last year.

Most of the cited countries are repeat-offenders, and 45 countries were rated not free to some degree.

The eight countries judged to have the worst records on political rights and civil liberties were Burma, Cuba, Libya, North Korea, Somalia, Sudan, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan. Similarly branded for particularly repressive behavior were two territories, Chechnya and Tibet.

Within these countries and territories "state control over daily life is pervasive and wide-ranging," said the report by Freedom House, a New York-based private democracy watchdog organization.

Also, it said, "independent organizations and political opposition are banned or suppressed and fear of retribution for independent thought and action is part of ...
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