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Human Rights

On June 6, the court will consider the cassation of Mikhail Trepashkin's defence on custody toughening

posted by zaina19 on May, 2007 as Human Rights

rom: MSN NicknameEagle_wng  (Original Message)    Sent: 5/29/2007 12:39 PM

On June 6, the court will consider the cassation of Mikhail Trepashkin's defence on custody toughening

On June 6, the Sverdlovsk Regional Court will consider the cassation appeal against the decision of the Tagilstroj District Court of the city of Nizhni Tagil of March 9, 2007, according to which the custody regime for Mikhail Trepashkin, a political prisoner serving his term at the Correction Colony (IK-13), was toughened (transfer from settlement-colony into general regime colony).

Placement of heavily sick former FSB officer into a confined cell can tell negatively on his health, the defence asserts.

More than a year ago, on March 15, 2006, the same Sverdlovsk Regional Court refused to provide the necessary hospitalization to inmate Mikhail Trepashkin.

"Mikhail Trepashkin is persecuted by the authorities of Russia on political grounds, which has been acknowledged by multiple globally-recognized international organizations, the authoritative International ...
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Organizers of "Dissenters' March" pressured in Samara

posted by zaina19 on as Human Rights

From: MSN NicknameEagle_wng  (Original Message)    Sent: 5/17/2007 1:02 AM
17.5.2007 09:14 MSK
Organizers of "Dissenters' March" pressured in Samara
RUSSIA, Samara. In spite of the fact that authorities have allowed the "Dissenters' March " in Samara, pressure on its organizers continues. On May 13, officers of the RUBOP of Samara detained a member of the March organizing committee, Anastasia Kurt-Adjieva, National Bolshevik party member Yuri Chervinchuk, and editor-in- chief of "Novaya Gazeta ion Samara", Sergey Kurt-Adjiev. They were later released without being charged, reported the United Civil Front on May 14.

On May 13, the police detained two activists of the opposition movement "Another Russia" in the industrial region of Samara. Anton Stradymov and Gleb Kochetov were taken to the local ROVD "to explain themselves". Several leaflets were taken from them for the "Dissenter's March ", which will take place on May 18.
Several hours before the arrest of Stradymov and Kochetov, two activists of ...
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Cooperation with the 'Planet of Hopes'

posted by zaina19 on as Human Rights

rom: MSN NicknameEagle_wng  (Original Message)    Sent: 5/17/2007 1:48 AM
Cooperation with the 'Planet of Hopes'
Nadezhda Kutepova (Planet of Hopes), Philip Leach
(EHRAC Director), Olga Shchukovskaya (EHRAC Legal Intern)
and Tina Devadasan (EHRAC Project Manager)

In late 2006, EHRAC received a request for assistance in litigating European Court cases from the Russian NGO, the Planet of Hopes. The Planet of Hopes is based in Ozersk, which is one of a number of ‘closed cities’ in Russia. Environmental pollution is a major issue in the area following a nuclear accident in 1957 and the dumping of radioactive waste in the nearby River Techa.
The Planet of Hopes defends the rights of those who have been affected by pollution, for example, of people living in settlements along the River Techa and also of those living in closed cities - restrictions are imposed on entry to and residence in closed cities.
In April 2007, EHRAC Director, Philip Leach, met with ...
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The Historical-Enlightenment Work of Memorial

posted by zaina19 on as Human Rights

From: MSN NicknameEagle_wng  (Original Message)    Sent: 5/17/2007 2:02 AM
The Historical-Enlightenment Work of Memorial

Through the extermination and the persecution of millions of people, the Soviet government attempted to conceal its crimes.  Who knows exactly how many victims of terror there were?  Where were the executed buried?  Where were the countless camps and what transpired behind the barbed wire?  Even the relatives of the deceased do not know the truth: “10 years without the right to correspondence” – this was the only information given about the fate of the convict under Stalinism, the short formula of his life and death.

How can one find the truth in a world full of lies that obstruct our history?  And it is it worth trying?  It is, after all, easy to live in a nice and simple world of illusions.  The reality of history does not lend comfort, does not lead to success and prosperity, but ...
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Human Rights Work of “Memorial”

posted by zaina19 on as Human Rights

From: MSN NicknameEagle_wng  (Original Message)    Sent: 5/17/2007 2:04 AM
Human Rights Work of “Memorial”

“Memorial” began initially as an historical and educational association with a significant part of its work dedicated to protecting human rights. Each of “Memorial”'s regional divisions is involved in protecting human rights, specifically in vindicating the rights of former prisoners.

The organization appeals to society to not forget the cruel and massive human rights violations in our country's past, but also not to ignore that human rights violations continue to occur.

In the spring of 1989, authorities brutally broke up a meeting in Tbilisi, leading to many deaths. In Moscow, “Memorial” organized a series of protest actions. Through the year, “Memorial” repeatedly posted pickets at the building of the General Procurator of the U.S.S.R. demanding freedom for all the then-remaining political prisoners in the U.S.S.R. Towards autumn, a legal defense group grew out of this work: the association “Memorial”. In ...
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