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Amnesty Blames 'Politics Of Fear' For Rights Abuses

posted by zaina19 on May, 2007 as Human Rights

From: MSN NicknameEagle_wng  (Original Message)    Sent: 5/24/2007 3:00 AM
Amnesty Blames 'Politics Of Fear' For Rights Abuses
Publication time: Today at 19:33 Djokhar time
Governments and armed groups around the world are using "the politics of fear" to crush human rights and encourage dangerous divisions in society, according to Amnesty International's 2007 human rights report, released today.

The international rights group warns that the use of fear as a political tool is threatening to create a world in which no person is safe and no right is protected.

Amnesty lays much of the blame for this grim situation on the global "war on terror," which it says has encouraged human rights abuses and poisoned the atmosphere of international relations.

Joshua Rubenstein, Amnesty's Northeast Regional Director, said the criticism applies to governments around the world - including China, Russia, Zimbabwe - but rests heavily with the United States, which is no longer seen as a leader ...
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Amnesty International Report Criticizes Russia

posted by zaina19 on as Human Rights

From: MSN NicknameEagle_wng  (Original Message)    Sent: 5/24/2007 4:48 AM
Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Amnesty International Report Criticizes Russia

Russia -- map
May 23, 2007 -- The human rights group Amnesty International has criticized Russian authorities for pressuring media and civil-society groups, but failing to react to a dramatic increase in hate crimes in the country.

In its 2007 global report, which was released today, Amnesty International said Russian authorities have "deliberately fomented fear to erode human rights."

The report said Russia is failing to confront "racism, xenophobia, and the ideologies that promote hate crimes."


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Moscow City Court leaves Boris Stomakhin’s sentence unchanged

posted by zaina19 on as Human Rights

From: MSN NicknameEagle_wng  (Original Message)    Sent: 5/29/2007 5:10 AM
29.5.2007 10:10 MSK
Moscow City Court leaves Boris Stomakhin’s sentence unchanged
RUSSIA, Moscow. On May 23, the Moscow City Court examined writs of appeal in the Boris Stomakhin case and left his sentence unchanged. In November 2006, the radical journalist was sentenced to five years in a general regime prison colony for "public calls to extremist activity" and "inciting international dissent".

In the low-circulation bulletin "Radical Policy", Stomakhin spoke out against the war in Chechnya, supporting the idea of its independence, noted Aleksandr Maysuryan, who was present at the appeal board session. Stomakhin’s lawyer, as well as the defendant himself, demanded justification for the accusations against him. The prosecution believes his sentence is too lenient (the prosecutor asked for seven years). Both sides perceived contradictions and judicial defects in the sentence.

Before the beginning of the session there was a demonstration in defense of Boris Stomakhin. ...
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Police detain participants demonstrating in support of inhabitants of Southern Butovo

posted by zaina19 on as Human Rights

From: MSN NicknameEagle_wng  (Original Message)    Sent: 5/29/2007 5:17 AM
29.5.2007 10:11 MSK
Police detain participants demonstrating in support of inhabitants of Southern Butovo
RUSSIA, Moscow. On May 24, in Southern Butovo in the Moscow region, with the support of the Yabloko Party, a sanctioned meeting took place in support of local residents who oppose new construction by authorities from the capital. Yabloko members and Butovo residents attempted to dismantle the illegal fence which separates the houses of the settlement from the development, reported the press- service of the Moscow department of "Yabloko".

There was a clash between protesters and police, as a result of which the leader of Yabloko Youth, Ilya Yashin, chairman of Moscow Yabloko Youth Ivan Bolshakov and two additional activists of the youth organization were detained and taken to the OVD of Southern Butovo.

The police also detained Deputy of the Moscow City Duma, and leader of Moscow Yabloko, Sergey Mitrokhin. In ...
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Ukraine won’t abolish persona non grata list

posted by zaina19 on as Human Rights

From: MSN NicknameEagle_wng  (Original Message)    Sent: 5/29/2007 5:21 AM
29.5.2007 10:18 MSK
Ukraine won’t abolish persona non grata list
UKRAINE, Kiev. (Our Correspondent) Russia proposed to Ukraine that they nullify the persona non grata status of citizens who have been forbidden entrance into Ukraine and Russia. The government of Russia believes all Russians and Ukrainians who have been declared persona non grata should be permitted free movement. However, Ukraine has rejected this proposal.

On May 22, an officer for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine reported to a correspondent of PRIMA -News that on the list of Russians forbidden entrance to Ukrainian territory are writer Eduard Limonov, journalist Mikhail Leontyev, politician Constantine Zatulin, and others. Previously, the only person prohibited entrance was the vice-speaker of the GosDuma of Russia, Vladimir Zhirinovsky. "Ukraine has its own legislation and the right to decide who it places on its list of undesirable persons", said a colleague ...
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