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Human Rights

"Demos": criticism of the work of "Memorial" in Chechnya is unjustified

posted by zaina19 on June, 2007 as Human Rights

From: MSN NicknameEagle_wng  (Original Message)    Sent: 6/11/2007 12:59 AM

"Demos": criticism of the work of "Memorial" in Chechnya is unjustified

The "Caucasian Knot" has informed that on May 30 a meeting was held in the city of Gudermes of President Ramzan Kadyrov with representatives of the Republic's NGOs. During the event, the region's leader criticized the Human Rights Centre (HRC) "Memorial." "For two months in a row, the "Memorial" was disseminating information in the media that the Kadyrov Charitable Public Foundation had allegedly made exactions, but when we tried to get into it and started to investigate who, when and where had exacted money for deduction into the Foundation, they could not give us any particular example," Mr Kadyrov stated.

Tatiana Lokshina, Chair of the Board of the "Demos" Information and Analytical Centre, gave her comments on the statement in her interview to the "Caucasian Knot" correspondent: "President of Chechnya ...
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Trepashkin refuses to have advocates

posted by zaina19 on as Human Rights

From: MSN NicknameEagle_wng  (Original Message)    Sent: 6/11/2007 1:04 AM

Trepashkin refuses to have advocates

The consideration by the Sverdlovsk Regional Court of the cassation complaint lodged by Mikhail Trepashkin against the ruling of the Nizhni Tagil District Court on toughening his custody mode that was pre-scheduled for tomorrow, June 6, will not take place. This news was reported to the "Caucasian Knot" correspondent by Gleb Edelev, an activist of the public group in defence of the convicted ex-FSB officer and coordinator of the Yekaterinburg Movement Against Violence (MAV), with reference to Lyubov Kosik, Trepashkin's advocate.

"Trepashkin wrote a petition to the Court asking to consider the case in his presence. Despite this petition and in violation of the law, he was not even brought from his colony in Nizhni Tagil to Yekaterinburg, referring to the absence of a statement of the Regional Court about his removal. To exclude any consideration ...
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Russian human rights activists speak out against "practical politics"

posted by zaina19 on as Human Rights

From: MSN NicknameEagle_wng  (Original Message)    Sent: 6/6/2007 12:28 PM
1.6.2007 20:35 MSK
Russian human rights activists speak out against "practical politics"
RUSSIA, Moscow. In connection with the G8 Summit from June 6–8, Russian human rights activists and public workers have called on heads of states and governments of Italy, Canada, Great Britain, Germany, France, the USA, and Japan "to clearly and unequivocally focus attention" on President of Russia Vladimir Putin for "blatant and massive violations by the country's leadership of basic human rights and democratic freedoms".

The human rights activists declared that they must "forego the practice of practical politics where connivance and antidemocratic actions dictate shifts of position on political and economic questions". The authors of the petition called on the seven democracies:

1) To secure the release of Russian political prisoners, including Zary Murtazaliyev – sentenced in the YUKOS case, pamphleteer Boris Stomakhin, scientists Igor Sutyagin and Valentina Danilova, and attorney Mikhail Trepashkin;

2) ...
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2 inhabitants of Kabardino-Balkaria consider one of clauses of Federal law about burial contradicting Constitution

posted by zaina19 on May, 2007 as Human Rights

2 inhabitants of Kabardino-Balkaria consider one of clauses of Federal law about burial contradicting Constitution

On June 14 the Constitutional court of Russian Federation will consider a complaint of two inhabitants of Kabardino-Balkaria about discrepancy to one of the clauses of the Federal law about burial and funeral to the norms of the Russian constitution.

As IА REGNUM was informed by the lawyer Larisa Dorogova, representing interests of the addressed with the complaint to the Constitutional court of Russian Federation inhabitants of the republic, item 14.1 of the Federal law about burial and funeral, where it is fixed that the bodies of persons, which death happened as a result of suppression of the terrorist activities, were not given out to the relatives and the place of their burial was not informed, contradicts to the norms of the Constitution of Russian Federation.

"First, this law breaks the rights of the relatives of ...
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Mistake Number Two

posted by zaina19 on as Human Rights

21.5.2007 13:37 MSK
Mistake Number Two
Analysts offer different explanations for the failure of Russian democracy over the last 20 years. Some blame everything on "predatory privatization", some blame the growing relationship between authority and criminals, some blame corrupt law-enforcement agencies, some blame the indifference and submissiveness of the people, and others blame the failure to establish lustration (the identification and disqualification from public office of former communists, informers, and secret police), and so forth.

Maybe there is truth in all these explanations. Part of the truth. Alas, few are interested in discovering why the best path from communism to democracy was not chosen. Not only was the path taken to democracy not the shortest, but it took the country in the completely the opposite direction.

Today we can justly be indignant: the authorities are taking from us the civil liberties we fought for in the 80’s and early 90’s—more or less valid laws, ...
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