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IWPR: All Change In Abkhaz Peace Process

posted by FerrasB on July, 2006 as Abkhazia

From: MSN NicknameEagle_wng  (Original Message)    Sent: 7/9/2006 4:46 PM
All Change in Abkhaz Peace Process

Leading negotiators move on just as new plans emerge in the long-running Georgian-Abkhaz peace talks.

By Anton Krivenyuk in Sukhum (CRS No. 347, 6-July-06)
Two influential leading figures are leaving the Georgian-Abkhaz peace process, creating a vacuum at a sensitive point in negotiations.

The leading international mediators in the process - Swiss diplomat Heidi Tagliavini, special representative of the United Nations Secretary General in Georgia, and the Georgian presidential representative Irakli Alasania, who has built up a good relationship with his Akbhaz counterparts - are both taking up new positions.

The two are leaving just as the UN-sponsored Coordinating Council on the dispute resumes work after a five-year break. Several new ideas are under discussion, including the formation of a UN police force for the conflict ...
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Abkhaz Separatists Against Railway Reconstruction

posted by FerrasB on as Abkhazia

From: MSN NicknameEagle_wng  (Original Message)    Sent: 7/4/2006 5:16 AM

Tuesday, July 4, 2006, #123 (1143)

Abkhaz separatists against railway reconstruction
M. Alkhazashvili

Abkhaz political circles say it is impossible to restore Russia-Georgia railway route via Abkhazia at this stage. This issue was discussed during a round table meeting of the Abkhazian branch office of the Caucasus Democracy Institute, which had been created at Moscow's initiative. Abkhazian de facto MPs, administration members and representatives of political parties participated in the meeting.

The newspaper 24 Saati says that according to Oleg Damenia, the head of Strategic Research Center, if this project is implemented Abkhazia will find itself in a political deadlock. He adds that the consortium regulations connected with the renovation of the railway are against the Abkhazian Constitution.

According to Astamur Tania of the Public Unity Forum, by renovating the railway route ...
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Refugees’ Rush From Batumi To Sukhumi: A Georgia’s Provocation?

posted by FerrasB on as Abkhazia

From: MSN NicknameEagle_wng  (Original Message)    Sent: 6/30/2006 1:00 PM
Refugees’ rush from Batumi to Sukhumi: a Georgia’s provocation?

"If it is a provocation of Georgia with the purpose of escalation of the situation in Abkhazia, we shall take all the measures for its prevention", - the president of Abkhazia Sergey Bagapsh declared during the press conference on June 29th, making comments on the Georgian refugees’ intention ‘ to reach on foot from Batumi to Abkhazia.

"We have warned the governor of Zugdidi area about that he should not allow mass gathering of people to the Inghiri bridge", - said Bagapsh. - We have the arrangement and pacts, fixing the reasons the refugees would come back for. We return them to Gali area, we shall not retreat an iota from our position". The president of Abkhazia also ...
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Kommersant: Kodori Government Of Abkhazia

posted by FerrasB on June, 2006 as Abkhazia

Kodori Government of Abkhazia
// Double authorities
Abkhazia prepares for war against dual government

Sukhumi declared yesterday it will not allow Abkhaz government-in-exile to settle in Kodori gorge. Sukhumi is ready to use force to take control over Kodori. Abkhaz authorities fear the appearance of one more government will prevent them from gaining independence following Kosovo scenario. Meanwhile, Tbilisi-based Abkhaz government-in-exile has already begun moving to Kodori gorge, according to the orders of Georgian president Mikhail Saakashvili.
Government troops of Georgia  began the second phase of the special operation in Kodori gorge. They combed local villages looking for rebels, searching local residents’ houses on the way and seizing hidden weapons. The troops reported having collected weapons to the total cost of $30 million. Emzar Kvitsiani was not captured. Tbilisi said he escaped to Tbilisi-independent Abkhazia. Abkhaz Deputy Minister of ...
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Itar-Tass: Abkhazia leader Sergei Bagapsh: Abkhazia Building Independent State

posted by FerrasB on as Abkhazia

From: MSN NicknameEagle_wng  (Original Message)    Sent: 6/26/2006 1:09 PM

Abkhazia leader Sergei Bagapsh: Abkhazia building independent state

26.06.2006, 18.39

SUKHUMI, June 26 (Itar-Tass) - Abkhazia leader Sergei Bagapsh stated on Monday that the position of his republic is unshakable: "We are building an independent state, and will be going along this path to the end." He underlined it at a news conference for Russian journalists.

Sukhumi "as of today does not think that Abkhazia's joining Russia is possible," because "the referendum of 1999 showed that our people came out for independent state and we'll be building it regardless of whether someone likes it or not," he noted.

"We are ready to launch good neighborly relations with Georgia and live next to each other as two equal states," the head of Abkhazia said expressing readiness to discuss any issues with ...
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